
Music For Love or War

Martyn Burke works in a multitude of worlds, moving between novels, films, and documentaries. He has published six highly acclaimed novels, been nominated for Emmys, as well as Director’s and Writer’s Guild awards for his feature and television films. He has made award-winning television and theatrical documentaries including the Academy Award-short listed Under Fire: Journalists in Combat,…

Music For Love or War

Martyn Burke works in a multitude of worlds, moving between novels, films, and documentaries. He has published six highly acclaimed novels, been nominated for Emmys, as well as Director’s and Writer’s Guild awards for his feature and television films. He has made award-winning television and theatrical documentaries including the Academy Award-short listed Under Fire: Journalists in Combat,…

Upside Downside

Upside Downside Simple Rules of Risk Management for the Smart Investor Ron Dembo is the guru of risk. His great contribution is the concept of regret in the calculations of risk and decision-making, whether it involves buying a lottery ticket or more complex procedures. In Upside, Downside, Ron Dembo and author Daniel Stoffman present investors with three simple rules for managing…

Upside Downside

Upside Downside Simple Rules of Risk Management for the Smart Investor Ron Dembo is the guru of risk. His great contribution is the concept of regret in the calculations of risk and decision-making, whether it involves buying a lottery ticket or more complex procedures. In Upside, Downside, Ron Dembo and author Daniel Stoffman present investors with three simple rules for managing…