In 701 B.C. the Assyrian empire was in its ascendancy. It had already vanquished the kingdom of Israel to the north including the capital at Samaria. It then prepared an assault on Judah and its capital at Jerusalem.
But in one of those significant events that changes the course of world history, Assyria was repelled. Jerusalem was saved until 586 B.C. when the Babylonians sacked the city, forcing its leadership class into exile.
Henry Aubin, in a major feat of scholarship, determines that Jerusalem was aided by a Kushite army from Africa which had marched northeast from the Nile valley. While the Bible attributes the Assyrian retreat to an angel and secular commentators cite pestilence, Aubin, in a meticulously documented work, demonstrates that an alliance with the African nation of Kush bolstered Jerusalem’s defences.
Kush, also known as Nubia, was located in what is now southern Egypt and northern Sudan. A monarchy that existed for more than 1000 years, from 900 B.C. to A.D. 350, Kushites held sway over Egypt from 712 B.C. to about 660 B.C. Of Egypt’s 31 dynasties, this, the 25th Dynasty, is the only one that all scholars agree, was black.
The commander of the Kushite expeditionary force was Taharqa (or as the Bible calls him Tirhakah). This Kushite prince, who had his own interests in halting Assyrian expansion, likely caught the aggressors by surprise as they prepared their siege of Jerusalem.
Aubin offers a thrilling military history and a stirring political analysis of the ancient world. He also sees the event as influential over the centuries.
The Kushite rescue of the Hebrew kingdom of Judah enabled the fragile, war-ravaged state to endure, to nurse itself back to economic and demographic health, and allowed the Hebrew religion, Yahwism, to evolve within the next several centuries into Judaism. Thus emerged the monotheistic trunk supporting Christianity and Islam.

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The Honourable R. Roy McMurtry Chief Justice of Ontario and former Attorney-General
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“A reader need not be seeking the answer to a particular problem in order to find these chapters rewarding reading; they will appeal to anyone with an interest in public affairs and the legal system.”
Carol Wilton, Ph.D., LL.B., from SCC Law Letter
HarperCollins CAN Spring/97
Revised edition HarperCollins Canada 2011
A Handbook For Canadians
What are the legal rights of an employee who is fired? How can people protect themselves against discrimination in employment, accommodation, public services and facilities? What if something happens to the baby in a midwife-assisted birth? Is a host liable if a party guest drives home drunk and has an accident?
With today’s complex legal system, it’s almost impossible for average Canadians to be well informed about their legal rights and responsibilities – even on everyday matters of marriage, divorce, child custody and workplace law. It’s definitely impossible for them to keep track of such matter as libel and slander, negligence and insurance, bankruptcy and criminal law. Linda Silver Dranoff has dedicated much of her career to making the law more accessible to all Canadians. Everyone’s Guide to The Law is the impressive result of her work, a complete reference that provides information and advice from conception to cremation.
Every Canadian’s Guide To The Law is a reference book that gives every Canadian unparalleled access to useful, basic legal information and excellent general advice.